NOTE: Our Women's Monday night gathering will begin again on Monday, August 15th.
Our vision for women’s ministry is best captured in Colossians 2:2-3,
“That they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.”
We desire to be women that have a Biblical perspective regarding the things of life, and are actively seeking to live accordingly.
We invite you to join us as we pursue a Christ-centered life in a variety of ways:
Weekly gatherings with worship, studies and table discussion, a yearly women’s conference, regular fellowship functions and so much more.
Friday, December 13th
6:00-8:30p in the MPR $10 per person
(Includes Dinner & Dessert) Childcare Available
Friday, December 13th
6:00-8:30p in the MPR $10 per person
(Includes Dinner & Dessert) Childcare Available
Ladies, come enjoy each other as we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Bring an optional $15 wrapped gift to participate in our gift exchange. There will also be some door prizes!Children in childcare will receive pizza, a special snack, and watch the movie "Polar Express."
Sister2Sister Ministry Leader,
Bonnie Dohrman
Ladies, join us after our winter break on January 27, 2025 at 6:30p in the MPR for a no-homework Bible study, worship, table discussion, and fellowship.
Childcare provided for children ages infant thru 6th grade
Women's Ministry Director, Lana Marinko
Registration required to attend
Childcare provided if need is indicated when registering
Registration Deadline: November 28, 2022
Ladies, enjoy an evening of fun, fellowship and delectable soups & desserts. For further information please contact Teresa Dodson at
Katie and Lana shared with us from God’s Word on how, in a world where multiple paths and options exist, the Bible reveals that only one leads to life and blessing.
It is our desire in Women’s Ministry to allow the love of God to flow through us and touch the lives of others. We invite you to join us as we pursue a Christ-centered life.