About Us

Love God... Love People

We are a family of believers who gather to worship God and serve our community. Our desire is for everyone in our community to grow together in God’s family as we work together to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28-19-20). We are glad you are looking for a good church to visit and we hope that you will come to know us as “your church home”. Thanks for checking us out and if there is anything we can help you with, please let us know.

We’re a “down-to-earth group of believers.” Very few suits and ties are ever seen as casual wear is the norm.

Our Sunday morning gatherings begin with a welcome and two biblically accurate worship songs. Our worship through music is led by Worship Music Pastor Jerad Mendel and Stephanie Chhum, accompanied by our worship band, and our praise team singers. Our worship through music is a mix of biblically accurate contemporary and traditional songs of worship and praise.  After the first two worship songs, Lead Pastor Cameron Unruh or Associate Pastor Mark Marinko, will lead us in a time of Bible teaching. After the teaching we celebrate a time of communion and song. We close our services with a song of celebration and praise.

What our people say