NOTE: Donating with a bank account helps us save on processing fees.

Why Do we give? “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” — Matthew 6:21. We know that financial giving is just one of the many ways you give yourself to God’s kingdom work. As followers of Jesus Christ, we also recognize that giving from our resources, from what we have been given, is an important spiritual discipline. There are many ways to give to Clovis Christian Church. Your donations directly affect the people here at CCC, those in our community and around the globe.

1. Give Online: This is a safe and secure way to donate online. You can set up one time giving or recurring donations
Clovis Christian Church does not encourage the use of borrowed credit that leads to acquired debt.

2. Give in the lobby Dropbox: Every Sunday there is an opportunity to give. Place your offering in the secured dropbox located at the west side of the church lobby.

3. Bank: Setting up bill pay through your banks bill pay service is another great way to donate to CCC.

4. Mail: Mail your offering to Clovis Christian Church, 1701 Locan Ave. Clovis, CA 93619.