CCC Prayer Ministry

Need Prayer?

Your Clovis Christian Church elders are available and want to pray with you about ANYTHING that you are experiencing at this time in your life's journey. We can pray here on campus or come to your home.
Please reach out to Pastor Michael at:
or text to 559-387-6725 to arrange a time to meet.

Covering Fresno/Clovis/California
in 24-Hours of Prayer

Fresno Clovis Prays is a part of the America Prays network. We are an inter-denominational, multi-ethnic, Jesus-centered prayer movement covering Fresno & Clovis, CA in 24/7 prayer. America is in desperate need of revival and spiritual awakening. Our only hope is prayer. Unified prayer in the upper room preceded the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:14). Will you join us in prayer? Will you stand in the gap for your community?

You can sign up to pray by searching the 18th of each month in the "current events" page or through the link in the "weekly newsletter"